I’ve been moving the past few weeks, and just last night found and unpacked my scanner. I’m in that airlock with boxes everywhere and nothing on the walls, things still settling into place. There are post-its with goals and shopping lists: power strip, bowls, set up stereo, coasters (like 6), bathroom garbage can.
Maters from the backyard, Polaroid SX-70 (2021)
There’s a garden at the new house, and I’m suddenly wealthy in gleaming orange tomatoes, sprawling oregano, and bright red cherry tomatoes. Today I’m going to have to go hard and make a tomato pie in order to make sure they all get eaten up.
There was a moment earlier in the week I realized I was just sitting still in the yard, at sunset, watching a lone firefly blink her way around back by the creek. Something shifted in the color pallette, and when I looked up the sky was an boundless soft pink.
Florala, Alabama, Polaroid SX-70 (2021)
I often crave the road and traveling, but for now am very happy to just sit on the couch and be still. Johnny Burnette and the Rock ‘N Roll Trio is playing and I spent a good while lounging around with Wayne White’s incredible monograph Maybe Now I'll Get the Respect I So Richly Deserve, which, first of all, fantastic title, and second of all, he does deserve it.
A kind of bad photo of the ticket booth of the Ga-Ana Theatre, in Georgiana, Alabama, the town where Hank Williams was born, and the place took the stage with the Drifting Cowboys in 1939, Polaroid SX-70 (2021)
I hope you drink good coffee today and get to lounge through art books and listen to rockabilly music, and that you’ve got tomatoes coming in from the garden.
I’LL LEAVE YOU with a couple of older photographs of the Old Man’s grave in Oxford. I sort my photos into A-sides and B-sides, but sometimes just have color and black & white shots from the same moment depending on what cameras and film I’m carrying. There’s times the color pops and others when the black & white looks particularly ghostly.
This duo didn’t make the cut a few years ago because the color versions were just too good, but made a good present for an old friend.
AS ALWAYS I am gorjusjxn on Instagram, and you can see more Polaroids and time travel at McCartyPolaroids.